Thursday, April 21, 2016



     Traveling in Uganda fills me with so much joy and gratitude, and holding on to that is always a challenge.  Since returning to Radnor, I make a point to walk slowly.  Verrrrry slowwwwwly, like people walk in Uganda.  It forces me to notice my surroundings, and it makes me feel calmer and more connected to my environment.  It's easier to remember to breathe when I slow my pace down, and the signs all over our building are another helpful reminder.
    Sharing my journey with my students and with the pen pals is a great honor, and sharing the pictures that Buppala students captured is another reason to pause and wonder.  The photos that Mususwa George took are full of energy and life.  The pictures perfectly depict the joy and gratitude that the people of Buppala feel in response to the multitude of ways our school community has transformed their village.  The celebration this day was in honor of the 50 goats that were delivered to Buppala children and their families, thanks to the generosity of our school community.  
    Visual literacy is a new way of learning and thinking for Buppala students.  Using Olympus cameras donated by the LeCroix family, Buppala children are learning to 'Frame, Focus, Flash & Follow through' to capture their world.  The photos reveal evidence of a rather extraordinary talent.  Remember, this is the first time this child has ever used a piece of electronic equipment.  We all know the adage: "A picture speaks a thousand words," but the gift of exchanging photos with our pen pals, and sharing these with our community, give each of us access to one another's world that makes this global connection deeply personal.  Enjoy the pictures, and remember to slow your pace and take notice.

Celebrating the gift of 50 goats from Radnor Middle School.  Photos by Mususwa George, Buppala student with an eye for capturing the joy in his community.

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