Behind the scenes |
The Warehouse of Discarded Children turned out to be more than just a successful fundraiser...
it was a remarkable collaboration. The actors were fully committed and they worked together like a true ensemble. The power of this production was the teamwork and comraderie that the students demonstrated. And they freaked a lot of people out, too!
Thank you to all our stellar volunteers: Joanne from GLOBAL VILLAGE CONNECT, Jack Sharples (RHS, '07), Joleen on make-up, Ian from Eastern U, the parents who helped out, and especially to ABUELITA'S EMPANADAS for your incredible contribution.
After it was all over, counting our profits was a whole other cause for celebration. We raised $2000 from this event. That's enough to build 4 acres of garden at Buyanga Primary School in Uganda!
Join us at Pen Pal & Popcorn Club on Thursday where we will look at what a $2000 investment can yield in Uganda. There will be lots of popcorn and plenty to celebrate. We are truly making the world a healthier, more equitable place. Proof of my philosophy: PEN PALS CAN CHANGE THE WORLD!